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Zero Carbon Conference

online event

The Zero Carbon Conference will respond to this need and forge a collaboration of our community of architects, designers, engineers, contractors, and responsible manufacturersā€“along with ESG investors and developers who...


NZ20 | Net Zero Webinar Series

Online Live Webinar

The Net Zero Webinar Series is an ongoing platform for you to expand your knowledge of innovations and trends in climate, carbon, energy, water, waste, and transitĀ together to build a...

24th InĀ­terĀ­naĀ­tionĀ­al PassĀ­ive House ConĀ­ferĀ­enĀ­ce

online event

The 24th InĀ­terĀ­naĀ­tionĀ­al PassĀ­ive House ConĀ­ferĀ­enĀ­ce, this year for the first time as aĀ VIRĀ­TUĀ­AL conĀ­ferĀ­enĀ­ce was held from 20 SeptemĀ­ber to 08 OcĀ­toĀ­ber 2020, conĀ­ferĀ­enĀ­ce parĀ­tiĀ­cipants and visĀ­itĀ­ors of the...