ZerO-In Conclave: Energy Efficiency Market Transformation
Energy Efficiency Market Transformation Towards Net Zero Emissions
MAITREE has supported the uptake of cutting-edge technologies, innovative business models, and promoted end-user engagement for large-scale interventions to accelerate the adoption of energy efficiency strategies and technologies.
This event marks the closure of the MAITREE program and showcases the work done by the program and its partners in accelerating energy efficiency market transformation in India. Held virtually on January 28th, 2022, the conclave included a panel of global experts to share insights on steering cities towards net zero-emission.
MAITREE addressed the interlinked challenge of cooling and building energy efficiency through three components.Â
Energy Efficiency in Buildings leverages public-private partnerships to enhance the energy efficiency of new and existing buildings.Â
Sustainable Cooling induces building cooling technology market transformation through large-scale super energy-efficient cooling technologies deployment programs.Â
Training, Consumer Engagement and Outreach, advances the integration of sustainable building technologies through skill development of professionals and consumer education about the benefits of energy efficiency.
- Welcome and Context
John Smith-Sreen (Director, Indo Pacific Office, USAID India) - Opening Address
Veena Reddy (Mission Director, USAID India and Bhutan) - Keynote Address
Alok Kumar (Secretary, Ministry of Power) - MAITREE Market Transformation Journey
Tanmay Tathagat (Director, EDS [MAITREE]) - Releases and Special Remarks:
- Nalanda University – Net Zero Campus – Prof. Sunaina Singh, Vice-Chancellor, Nalanda UniversityÂ
- Launch of Chiller Energy Efficiency Program and Feasibility Tool – Arun K Mishra, CEO, EESLÂ
- Advancing Green Cooling through Sustainable Public Procurement – Farid Yaker, Head SPP, UN Environment
- Grid-Interactive NZEB: An Indian Perspective – Atul Bali, Chief General Manager, NSGM Energy Efficient and Green Affordable Housing – Indu Sekhar Singh, Chief Engineer, Lucknow Development AuthorityÂ
- India’s First SuperECBC & G-NZEB Building – N. Janaiah, VC&MD, TSREDCOÂ
- ECBC Web Portal, App & IGBC Net Zero Energy Certification – KS Venkatagiri, Executive Chairman, IGBCÂ
- MAITREE – Market Transformation Experience and InsightsÂ
- Vote Of Thanks
Apurva Chaturvedi (Senior Clean Energy Specialist, USAID India)
1.Alok Kumar (Secretary, Ministry of Power)
Alok Kumar is an Indian Administrative Service (IAS) officer of the Uttar Pradesh cadre. Before joining as the Union Power Secretary, he was the Additional Chief Secretary, Industrial Development and IT & Electronics, Government of Uttar Pradesh. He has acquired widely recognized expertise in policy and regulatory affairs of India’s electricity sector while working for more than seven years at the national level and about three years at the state level in Uttar Pradesh. He has been the chief executive officer of various public enterprises in transport and electricity sectors. He has authored a book on policy and regulation of the electricity industry in India which was published by Oxford University Press in 2012.
2.Arun Kumar Mishra, (CEO, Energy Efficiency Services Ltd. (EESL))
Arun Kumar Mishra is a veteran in the energy sector, with more than three decades of experience in National Thermal Power Corporation Limited (NTPC) and Power Grid Corporation of India Limited (PGCIL) including Policy perspective as Director, National Smart Grid Mission (NSGM)– Project Management Unit (PMU) and Vice-Chair, International Smart Grid Action Network (ISGAN). His experience spans the planning, design, and implementation of power systems, information, and communication technology (ICT) integration in power utilities, SCADA, and smart grid applications
3.Atul Bali, (Chief General Manager, National Smart Grid Mission (NSGM)
Atul Bali is an Electrical Engineer who has over 28 years of rich experience in the power sector. His experience spans design, engineering, monitoring, and successful implementation of SCADA/EMS/DMS projects. He has worked in NHPC, POWERGRID, and PFC, the Navratna Public Sector Undertakings of Ministry of Power, Government of India. He has been associated from concept to commissioning of Unified Load Despatch & Communication Scheme and has also supervised the implementation of IT based distribution reform projects under prestigious Restructured Accelerated Power Development and Reforms Programme (RAPDRP).
4.N. Janaiah, (VC&MD, Telangana State Renewable Energy Development Corporation (TSREDCO))
Janaiah has an experience of 28 years in the fields of Generation, Transmission and Distribution and served for Telangana State Electricity departments at various positions. He played a key role in promoting the renewable energy power generation and its efficient distribution in the state. Especially his contribution towards solar policy implementation in the state is appreciable. His interests are also in promoting other renewable energy programs in the state in an innovative manner. He is presently working towards increasing the RE share in total power generation and promoting the energy conservation activities in the state of Telangana.
5.Prof. Sunaina Singh, (VC, Nalanda University)
Prof. Singh is among the most prominent leaders in higher education in the South Asian region. Currently a member-designate of several distinguished national and international Academic committees, Prof. Singh is engaged in the challenging task of restructuring and redesigning university pedagogical and administrative systems. Few academics can match her integrity, intellectual caliber, and dedication to teaching, research, and administration. As a visiting Professor at reputed Universities abroad, she has played a crucial role in drawing the attention of the West towards Indian culture and literature, pedagogical systems, epistemological concerns, and university administration.
6.Indu Sekhar Singh, (Chief Engineer, LDA)
He has been associated with LDA for over 30 years and has led construction and development works, with a focus on high-rise building construction. Presently, he is engaged in PMAY housing projects.
7.Farid Yaker, (Head SPP, UN Environment)
Farid Yaker is in charge of sustainable public procurement (SPP) at UN Environment, Economy division, Paris. He represents UNEP in the Coordination Desk of the 10YFP Public Procurement Programme and oversees the implementation of two ground projects aimed at assisting 16 countries in the implementation of SPP. Mr Yaker taught Agricultural economics at the University of Blida, Algeria from 1988 to 1990 before joining the international NGO Enda (Environmental development action) after the Rio summit that he attended in 1992. After managing an international programme on the promotion of participatory approaches in the field of the urban environment from 1994 to 1999, Mr. Yaker took the direction of the European office of Enda, from 2000 to 2007, before joining UNEP in 2008. Mr. Yaker holds a Master’s Degree in Agricultural economics from the University of California at Davis, USA
8.K S Venkatagiri (Executive Director, IGBC)
Venkatagiri heads the CII-Sohrabji Godrej Green Business Centre.He has been associated with CII since 1992 and has played an important role in establishing CII-Sohrabji Godrej Green Business Centre as CII’s Centre of Excellence on Green business. He is leading a team of over 80 professionals, who are offering advisory services to Indian industry in areas of energy management, green buildings, green companies, renewable energy and other related sectors. Venkatagiri holds a Bachelor of Technology Degree in Chemical Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Madras.
9.Veena Reddy (Mission Director, USAID/India)
Veena has a rich background in development and diplomacy. Born in Andhra Pradesh, India, she is the first Indian-American to lead USAID in India and Bhutan. Ms. Reddy most recently served as USAID’s Mission Director in Cambodia, where she oversaw robust programs spanning food security, environment, health, education, child protection, and democracy and governance. Previously, Ms. Reddy worked as USAID’s Deputy Mission Director in Haiti
10.John Smith-Sreen (Director, Indo-Pacific Office of USAID/India)
John has been serving as the Director of the Indo-Pacific Office since October 2021. Until recently, John served as the Economic Growth Office Director in Bangladesh and as Deputy Mission Director in Karachi, Pakistan. From 2016-18, John was the Director of the Afghanistan Division in the Office of Afghanistan and Pakistan Affairs (OAPA) in Washington, DC. A member of the Senior Foreign Service, John joined USAID in 2000 and has now served in seven Missions including India, Jordan, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Kenya/East Africa, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. Over the years, he has worked with CARE, Catholic Relief Services, the American Red Cross, and the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF).
11.Apurva Chaturvedi (Senior Clean Energy Specialist, USAID/India)
Apurva is a clean energy professional currently working as Senior Clean Energy Specialist in the energy division of Indo-Pacific Office in USAID/India. She has over 15 years of experience in the clean energy and power sector. She has experience in designing, leading, and managing several clean energy programs at USAID. Her area of expertise is strategy formulation and program design & management. She is currently leading the distribution utilities, smart grids, e-mobility, and energy efficiency portfolio of USAID’s clean energy program in India.Â
12.Tanmay Tathagat (Director, Environmental Design Solutions)
Tanmay leads the Environmental Design Solutions [EDS] team of consultants working on climate change policies, energy-efficient building design, building code development, energy efficiency policy development, energy simulation, and green building certification process. Tanmay has extensive experience in green building design, energy simulation, architectural and mechanical design, and green building certification process. Since 2002 EDS has worked on over 200 green building and energy efficiency projects worldwide.Â
Disclaimer: This website is made possible by the support of the American People through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents of this website are the sole responsibility of Environmental Design Solutions and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.