The BEE star labelling program for ceiling fans is applicable for 1200 mm sweep and a minimum air delivery of 210 cu. m/min. The service value of the ceiling fan has to be provided for the label. The Service value is the ratio of air delivery to power input. The air movement of a ceiling fan is a prime factor in determining the thermal comfort. Higher the service value of a fan, greater is the efficiency.
Ceiling Fans
- Ensure proper lubrication of the ceiling fan motor for smooth operation.
- Conventional regulators of ceiling fans should be replaced with electronic regulators to save power.
- The blades of the fan should be cleaned on a regular basis to ensure dust is not hampering the proper function of the fan.
- The motor housing of the fan should be enclosed in heavier materials to ensure longetivity.
- Fans should be used as first line of defence from hot weather conditions.
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