Knowledge Centre – Passive Strategies

Dr A K Tripathi
Scientist/ Division Head
Ministry of New & Renewable Energy


Dr. Arun Kumar Tripathi is the Division Head for Public Awareness programs in Ministry of New and Renewable Energy. Prior to this, he was leading the national programs for Solar Rooftop and Solar Cities at MNRE. Dr. Tripathi is also the editor of Akshay Urja, the bi-monthly newsletter published by MNRE to promote awareness about initiatives by the Ministry and provide information about developments in the renewable energy sector.


RE Technology and Policies for NZEBs

India has sizeable RE resources, including bioenergy, hydropower, solar and wind. The country has potential for 6,000 million GWh of solar energy, 102,788 MW of wind power, and 18000 MWfrom biomass .
Of the total RE capacity, wind accounts for 10,365 MW, small hydro for 2,939 MW, biomass including co-generation for 2,559 MW and waste-to-energy for 72 MW as of January 2011. A limited amount of solar energy systems have been deployed in India, with 18 MW of installed capacity .
Looking at the gap between existing & potential generation capacity from these sources, it can be surmised that there is significant need for market transformation to fully utilize these resources.

The current and future energy scenario, and the constraints in electricity generation in the country, necessitate going beyond incremental increases in conserving energy in buildings through building energy codes and standards.
Buildings that have drastically reduced their energy usage through EE technology and can meet most of the balance energy requirements from locally available renewable energy sources are the need of the hour. This can also tackle the chronic problems of distribution losses, breakdowns, in a grid system that is perpetually over loaded.

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