Net Zero Guidance on Renewables and Offsets

Online Live Webinar

The workshop will give an overview of UKGBC’s Renewable Energy Procurement and Carbon Offsetting Guidance. Given the complexity of these topics, this workshop will aim to provide a greater understanding...

International Conference on Net-Zero Energy Building ICNZEB 2021:15

online event

ICNZEB 2021: 15. International Conference on Net-Zero Energy Building aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results on...

NZEB Knowledge Series: Future of Carbon Neutral Design

online event

Buildings are connected resources of a larger built environment. Buildings lock in substantial carbon emissions through material choices and continue to emit carbon during their operations through life. Building design...


From Analysis to Reality: Bridging the Zero Carbon Procurement Gap

online event

Join Sam Brooks and James Perakis as they discuss how to bridge the gap between design analysis, financial performance, and procurement. As a Design Analytics practice leader, James will explain how his team designs and models the zero...

Battery Storage in the recovery to NET ZERO CARBON!

online event

Paul Cole from powerQuad, will present an overview of battery storage and how this technology is vital for a decarbonised electricity supply in the post covid-19 world. Paul will give...


2021 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Industry

online event

We welcome your participation and collaboration in shaping ACEEE’s Industrial Decarbonization Initiative. We want to work together to develop and implement a plan to advance industrial energy efficiency and to...

Building Sense Now Master Class – Low Tech Design

online event

The joint Master Classes of the Building Sense Now initiative and MISEREOR offer access to country-specific building knowledge in line with climate-friendly and culturally sensitive practice by and for architects...