National Mission for Enhanced Energy Efficiency

Of the eight missions envisaged in the National Action Pan on Climate Change, National Mission for Enhanced Energy Efficiency focuses on energy efficiency in the building sector. The following four initiatives have been proposed under the mission:

Perform, Achieve and Trade (PAT)
Market based mechanism to increase cost effec­tiveness of energy efficiency in energy-intensive large industries and facilities, through tradable energy certificates. Currently limited to larger facilities, it will be eventually applied to all buildings.

Market Transformation for Energy Efficiency (MTEE)
Market transformation to energy efficient appliances in designated sectors can be accelerated through regulatory and market based measures to make the products more affordable. Some of the measures already in place are:

    • mandatory labeling for equipment & appliances in various sectors
    • mandatory procurement of energy efficient products for all public entities through special procurement rules
    • replacement of inefficient appliances by efficient products such as efficient lighting, ballasts, HVAC, refrigerators in domestic sector
    • mandatory maximum energy consumption norms (per square feet) for new commercial buildings and existing buildings (through retrofit) – Energy Conservation Building Code (ECBC)

Finance for DSM
By banking on future energy savings, demand side management programs in all sectors can be financed through appropriate financial mechanisms

    • Developing fiscal instruments to encourage energy efficiency

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