How should I use the Knowledge Centre?
Knowledge Centre is categorized into 5 distinct sub sections, each of which covers a unique set of stratagems needed to make a building NZEB. It is structured sequentially to follow the tenet of the NZEB concept – first save energy, then balance unavoidable energy use by producing renewable energy.
Since energy efficiency is considered paramount to the principle of a NZEB, the first three sections contain information for incorporating energy efficiency measures in buildings. These are: passive strategies, energy efficient equipment, and efficient appliances. The 4th section has information pertaining to renewable energy technologies. Last section of the knowledge centre contains a database of tools needed to design and execute NZEBs. These tools help evaluate comparative performance of NZEB technologies, best methods of integrating them in buildings and calculate the combined potential of design strategies and appropriate technologies to achieve NZEB goals.
Unless the visitor is an expert in designing and constructing energy efficient buildings or needs a specific piece of information, we suggest browsing sequentially through the sections.
Each of the sub-sections is structured to first introduce the visitor to a conceptual understanding of the strategy, then methods of using it in buildings and proven benefits, and finally leads to other information resources that can be accessed to find more details.
Can I submit a NZEB case study?
Case studies can be submitted by anyone.
Project information should be accurate and contemporary, and cover at least all the NZEB features typically highlighted in other case studies on the portal. Copyright permissions for images and any other information subject to copyright issues must be gained prior to submitting the project for consideration. Proof of copyright permission will be required.
Knowledge portal team will review the project information and decide whether it can be showcased on the portal. The team can ask for additional information relevant to the project before arriving at their decision, while preparing the case study and after it has been put up on the portal. It can also edit the content to suit the typical display format used for case studies on the knowledge portal.
Can I add events or news to the portal?
Yes, you can submit it to the knowledge portal management team who will post it on the website after confirming the event or news from its original source.
I still have questions. Whom should I contact?
Please see the contact us section.