The 5th Annual Smart Cities International Virtual Symposium, February 23-24, 2021 brings together thought leaders and practitioners from around the world to explore the most recent technology advances, business models, and lessons learned to date in making the Smart City a reality. Expert speakers will examine the experiences of municipal governments who are pushing the envelope and moving toward actual implementation of the Smart City vision. The emphasis is on implementation strategy, case studies, best practices, and the development of compelling business models for transitioning to the 21st Century Smart City.
Topics to be addressed include:
- Moving toward the post-COVID-19 smart city
- Leveraging the smart energy grid for other municipal applications
- Smart lighting advances, platforms and business models
- Smart transportation and parking
- Environmental monitoring and waste management
- IoT applications and communications networks for enabling the Smarter City
- Learning from the leaders: key smart city developments around the world
- Market trends and growth drivers: challenges and opportunities
- Phased, cost-effective approaches: efficiency measures that can fund additional steps
- Building a culture of performance via data analytics and benchmarking
- Enhancing sustainability, accessibility and livability
- Key emerging technologies and applications
- And more